Hearts of Giants is a wildlife documentary aspiring to reveal the extraordinary similarities between the largest mammals on our planet, both marine and terrestrial, featuring tales of the very emblematic whale and elephant species.
This documentary aims to unfold the unknown and surprising similarities of their complex social systems, communication and interaction, as well as their threat of extinction caused by human activities.
It brings together conservation organisations, scientists, local communities, and photographers, who are witnessing the richness of these gentle giants lives, as well as the decline of their population.
This documentary investigates the reasons why the marine and terrestrial worlds are often separated, and intends to create bridges between organisations and people.
Mostly, it showcases several conservation initiatives that prove two trivial -but crucial- things for the life and survival of these species: solutions to protect them exist, and anybody can contribute. It is up to us now, to take actions.
If we are unable to protect the largest forms of life on our planet, how are we supposed to save smaller species…